Saturday, 16 December 2017

Coming through.

Pose & Dogs : .Focus Poses. Couple 27

Location : D 0 X

I can't describe the feeling of contentment I have right now.
To say the last week has been a rollercoaster of emotions would be an understatement, even by my standards. If you've been reading for a while, you'll know that I barely left my platform for two years. It seems that stepping out of my box has ruffled a few feathers, and I'm okay with that. Those who know me, will continue to. Those that don't perhaps never will.
This last week I literally bumped souls with someone. At first, I was naturally cautious.
The more we talked and the more patient they were, the easier it has been for me to open up.
I'm not scared to say anything.
I'm not worried that I might be too much, or not enough.
As things stand right now, holding hands and walking is enough, and I cannot thank them enough for their understanding of me, their time spent with me allowing me the space for creativity and ranting and all the things that make me feel good.
I'm  not stifled. I'm still free.
And it feels really, really fucking nice.

All of the things, SantiClaus :

Body & Hands : [SIGNATURE] Gianni - Mesh Body 
Skin : Tableau Vivant \\ Fabio applier 
Head :  CATWA HEAD Daniel
Eyes : -SU!- Lythion Eyes
Hairbase : Stealthic - Male Hairbase
Hair :  Modulus - Julius Hair (FREE Fatpack @ Consent)
Coat/Hoody/Shirt :  fame femme: Pit Coat TMD
Jeans :  Legal Insanity - Lynch black jeans w/bandana
Boots : [Deadwool] Patmos boots

All of the things : 

Body, Hands & Feet : Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Head : LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet 
Skin : Insol: face Vera, ST03 'Peach' 
Birthmark : [okkbye] dewy blushers (catwa & omega)
Eyes :  -SU!-Delora Eyes Fatpack /ULTRARARE/ (Gacha) 
Bindi & Nose Ring : :: SAGA :: Wonderland Jewel Set @ Kustom9
Hair : *barberyumyum*93 
Coat : NIU - Cotton coat Liaison Collaborative
Sheep Bag :  =Zenith= Sheep Head Bag (Note : This is a really old gacha item, not sure if still available)
Leggings : Blueberry - Cake - Tight Leggings 
Boots & Socks : #EMPIRE - Luculia @ Winter Trend

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