Pose & Coffee : FOXCITY. GSits VOL1-7
Doing things a little different today, because I can! Take a look at the pretties I used to create this scene!
Scenery itemstuffs -
Skye Studios Enchanted Woods v2
*alirium* PuffyGrass (two colours)
Shown : dust bunny . elephant ear plant
dust bunny . giant palm plant
dust bunny . potted dragon tree
dust bunny . potted sago palm
Shown : hive // potted plants . gold dust dracaenas
hive // potted plants . swiss cheese plant
hive // potted plants . cordyline tree
*alirium* DownyGrass (two colours)
When you apply for any new "sponsor" as a blogger, it's always a bit of a hit or miss situation. Being that I'm the super over-thinking bunny I am, I have learned a few things along the way. Let's discuss a couple of them!
Be patient!
I see so many "start" a blog, do a couple of posts, and then give up 2 months later. There's no shame in this. I tried two previous times before blogging stuck for me (no, I won't share the links, they're awful - even more awful than the posts at the start of this one!) What I have not done is immediately apply for sponsorship. There is so much to learn in terms of website details and promotion (a lot of which I STILL don't understand, and many, many people are far superior to me when it comes to this), along with not knowing if you're actually going to enjoy the blogging process itself, it's almost too selfish to get that spot you want, only to throw it away a month later because you can't be bothered.
Also, if you think you're going to get into blogging and get a bunch of amazing "free" things, you're right - HOWEVER there is a pay-off. Very rarely am I able to enjoy the items I'm sent before I move on to the next post, and the next photograph, this does not mean I do not appreciate the quality of an item, or the level of experience that item took to create! Also, the amount of L's I spend adding details to get an outfit to work is often extra-ordinary! I am not complaining! I love doing what I do, and I am SO, SO grateful to the amazing sponsors I currently have, and have been blessed to work with in the past. Just know that blogging, like whatever you chose to do in life, should be a labor of love, and not JUST to get free things from that store you like a little bit.
Most stores when requesting bloggers ask for between 3 months and 1 year of blogging experience. Take your time creating a bucket list of stores you would love to blog for, and bear this in mind whenever you apply for a store you think is "well they're ok but i'm not passionate about their products" and don't give up on those "ok" stores if and when your blogging improves to the point that you're able to garner interest from the stores you adore, because those little shops put you where you are now.
Don't apply for everything.
There are SO many brands that I absolutely love in SL at the moment, and so many times I have looked to a store and gone "I'd love to blog their products." The truth is, I don't apply for every store, or every blog-call from the stores I love, and it's because I already have commitments to people who have supported me from the beginning and who I continue to adore blogging for. If I take on more projects, that means less time for those and more stress for me. At the time, it might seem like a wonderful idea to have 7 hair stores, 4 shoe stores, 13 clothing stores etc etc, but as your blog grows, and as their brand grows too, you're going to have an absolutely massive influx of items suddenly appearing in your inbox, and no way of honoring the commitment you made to everyone.
Another reason I don't always apply to brands I love is because although I love them, I may not have purchased an item from them in a long while, which means not only have I not shown I am a customer of theirs, I am not displaying their products in my blog, therefore, the creator/blogger manager has no idea how I would blog them.
It's okay to be butthurt when you don't get selected...
but don't take to social media to slam the creator/blogger manager! The market is absolutely flooded with talented photographers and bloggers right now. It's insane! There is SUCH a high standard that it is near impossible for those creators and blogger managers to choose who should represent their brands. Add to that the fact that personal taste is so diverse, you could be the best photographer in SL, and STILL be rejected from your favourite store, purely because your style doesn't fit the branding of that store's products in their head.
I'm 100% certain that creators are grateful for your support in purchasing their items. If you're bad-mouthing a store purely on the basis that you didn't get selected, you're not doing them any damage, and there's the old adage that "Any publicity is good publicity". Also, on a more selfish note, you're going to rule yourself out of being selected in the future as a blogger for them, and run the risk of other brands witnessing your verbal tirade, and blackballing you too.
There's so much more to the whole blog process, and these are just a few bullet notes.
I'm not claiming to be some blogger guru, I'm just a chick who likes taking photo's and occasionally veers off on a tangent to rant before showing you the pretties.
Speaking of pretties... check below for all the outfit details!
All of the things :
Body, Hands & Feet : Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Head : CATWA Magy
Eyes : -SU!-Delora Eyes Fatpack /ULTRARARE/ (Gacha)
Ears : ^^Swallow^^ Pyramid Ears
Hair : Tableau Vivant \\ Lil [complete] (Gacha) @ The Arcade
Nipple Piercings : EarthStones Angelique Nipple Piercings @ RLD
It's been a while since I've done this, so left to right - Pale 01, Pale 02, Medium 01, Medium 02, Dark 01, and Dark 02.
Once again, they're shown in Ultra graphics, on Firestorm with no shadows, on CalWL.
All of the tones come with the many eyebrow options, including Red, brown, blonde & none plus the black ones shown in my pictures today.
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