Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Take it.

Pose :  <K&S>  HotLine. 1
Background : [BH9] PlayRoom @ RLD (Opens 15th March, Noon)

Santi wears : Body, Hands & Feet : [SIGNATURE] Gianni - Mesh Body 
Head :  CATWA HEAD Stanley 
Tattoo :  DAPPA  - Taisho Tattoo Kinky Event
(His internet hamster fell of it's wheel at this point. I'll try and remember to check back and fill in any gaps later!)

I haven't spoken much about this upcoming event, because I really haven't felt like I've needed to. The organizers have been absolutely on point with every single piece of advertising they have done, and that fills my heart with happy, because it shows the passion for what they are doing.
It piqued my interest the minute I heard about it, because although I don't like to put it out there in an over-the-top fashion, I do quite enjoy the D/s dynamic. I'm not 100% sure of where I stand in this, but I think that's okay, because if you're not sure all that's left is to experiment and well, frankly, that's fun times!
The event in question is the Red Light District event, which opens it's doors tomorrow (15th March) at noon SLT. The backdrop is Amsterdam, and if you visit the sim, you'll notice that everything has been meshed custom, making the actual shopping experience one you are not going to want to miss. 
On top of the fabulous, one of a kind, sim design, there are a bunch of top-notch creators involved. The sponsors for this round are Stockholm&Lima, MadPea, Caboodle & Fancy Decor, and for a full list you can visit the official website, >Here< The website will also answer many, many more of your questions, so hit it up - and check the blogger page to see if you can find my ever-changing face!
So far, and in terms of behind-the-scenes organization I honestly feel like there hasn't been a stone left un-turned, and though I thoroughly enjoy all the events I am lucky enough to be a part of, this one stands out in terms of scheduling alone, and for that I am incredibly thankful, because I am after all an over-anxious little bunny.
ANYWAYYY. The picture here shows a lot more than I'm used to showing, so be prepared to view a bit of foof and nipnop on a much more regular basis for at least the next four rounds of Red Light District! 

Usually, I'd leave the postie here and just move along to the items I'm wearing, but I really, really feel it necessary to give a well deserved shout out to KatyaSessions of <K&S> poses, who went above and beyond in customer service terms with a little issue I've been experiencing with poses lately. I'm 100% certain the issue is completely mine, and while we were unable to come to a conclusion as to what would fix it, the help & support she provided me with was legitimately amazing, and I cannot be more thankful for her patience and graciousness. Thank you Katya! <3

Hope your Wednesday is full of HUMP! xoxo

All of the things : 

Body, Hands & Feet : Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Head : CATWA Magy
Skin : ItGirls - Catwa Skin Applier - Brigit 
Eyelids : L'Etre - Natural mesh eyelids
Eyebrows : Bossie. sarah eyebrows [catwa] 
Moles & Freckles : Bossie.  freckles & beauty marks [catwa]
Hair : *barberyumyum*93
Harness : [GUNSHOT] YANA Harness RLD (Opens 15th March, Noon)
Nipple Piercings : *elise* - Clara RLD (Opens 15th March, Noon)
Pubic Hair : Ahegao - Heart Pubes RLD (Opens 15th March, Noon)

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