Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Try to hold me down but..

Pose : FOXCITY. Steamy-7
Background : MINIMAL - Illusion Background *3*

I've been thinking a lot about the subject of "Seeking fulfillment" recently.
I have figured out that many of the people I consider to  be the "right" people to further my aspirations that I would like to notice me, aren't noticing me. And I've finally come to the conclusion that actually, that's okay.
In terms of blogging, I do what I do because I genuinely love it. It gives me a creative outlet. It gives me a reason to log in to SL and challenge myself with new items, new ideas and it gives me the option of potentially meeting new and wonderful people that I can sparkle along-side.
Just because so-and-so from that-one-thing isn't noticing my personal growth, doesn't mean that others aren't. It also doesn't make those people who are supporting me, or aren't "the right people" any less-than, in fact, it makes those people More-Than, and I should work harder on being grateful and humble.
Since figuring out that I am legitimately blogging because I want to, and accepting that sponsors are not a required field, I feel like I have enabled an extra bit of Pickle to come to light, and I am loving it. I feel like each post has a little more personality. A little more me. It's not only become a place I just throw my outfits, but also a place I can open up a little bit.

On that note, thank you for reading/peeking my pictures. Thank you for every like, share & comment. Thank you for believing in me, if only for the fragment of a second it took for you to click here today.

Here's what you came for :

All of the things ;

Body & Feet: -Belleza- Freya
Head : CATWA Uma
Skin : [theSkinnery] Laura Collabor88
Eyes : -SU!- Ophelia Eyes /Fatpack (Gacha) (Formerly at N21)
Eyeshadow : Veechi - Iridescence [Dark] (Gacha) The Epiphany
Lipstick : Veechi - Doll Gloss [Vivid] RARE (Gacha)  @ The Epiphany
Moles & Freckles :  Go&See  * Bae * Moles - Pallete The Seasons Story
Birthmark :  [okkbye] bold birthmarks
Hair : LeLutkaHF03 hair
Tattoo : -7P-JP Reborn Tattoo @ Man cave 
Choker : Amala - The Ariana Choker 
Outfit : Pseudo- Kayla Set Freya Anti (Gacha) (Formerly at N21)
Boots : #EMPIRE - Loosestrife Collabor88

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