Wednesday, 29 August 2018


Pose : FOXCITY. Fixated-2m

Can you tell who someone is from the look of their avatar?
Without doubt, the majority of us will make assumptions based on a particular style someone is sporting.. but if you're anything like me, your style doesn't actually reflect how you feel inside, but more how your outside feels comfortable.
I don't often delve into D/s terms here, mostly because I feel like what you enjoy is nobodies business but yours and your partner, but it seems increasingly obvious to me that how you label yourself in regards to fetish/sex is a pretty  major conversation point within SL.
For example, when I popped these gorgeous pearls from Narcisse on I felt like I should be kneeling at a worthy somebody's feet, but I'm certain that if you were to style the top with a pair of leather pants, and some serious fuck-me-heels, you could easily pass as a more Dominant presence.
I hope you're not offended by the spattering of foof and nipnops today, I'm always concerned that it's going to be overkill on the nudity!
Wishing your humpday to be full of light and laughter ♥

All of the things : 

Body, Hands & Feet : Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Skin (Head) : Not Found - Lucy Skin 
Skin (Body) : [TheSkinnery] 
Head :  CATWA HEAD Magy
Hair :  tram H0414 hair
Pearls : -Narcisse- Jayla Pearl Set @ Kinky Event
Nipple piercings : Kibitz - drops nipple

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