Monday, 25 June 2018

Too close.

Pose :  Ana Poses - Bergen 01TMD

Location : Borneo

Man-Pickle has been suspiciously missing lately, and I can only apologize for his sudden disappearance. However, I'm feeling 34058934% better than I have in weeks, and so hopefully -HOPEFULLY- things can get semi normal except for when I'm doing the whole RL thing which is scary and awesome and amazing and I'll fill you guys in on when there's a substantial change.
In the meantime, please check out all the awesome things from TMD before the round closes!

All of the things : 

Body, Hands & Feet : [SIGNATURE] Gianni - Mesh Body
Skin : Clef de Peau.Jasper Skin [CATWA & LELUTKA] TMD
Head :  CATWA HEAD Stanley 
Eyes : CATWA Mesh Eyes 
Eye Appliers : Go&See * Space * Catwa Eyes @ SaNaRae (26th June)
Hairbase : Stealthic - Male Hairbase
Hair : Modulus - Joey Hair TMD
Beard Applier : Beusame // Beard V42 Tintable
Ears : ^^Swallow^^ Drop Ears 
Ear weight : HAIL Metal Plate Ear Weight 
Shirt : AITUI - Judd Jacket TMD
Necklace : [WAZ] Bullet Necklace 18' TMD
Pants : TonkTastic - Tapered Pants /TMD

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