Wednesday, 24 October 2018

A piece of my heart.

Pose : *R.O* Artist Bento Pose

Background : BTTB London Backdrop 154 Brick Lane @ Backdrop City

I logged into facebook this morning and was promptly reminded that today my blog is officially three! I'm absolutely astounded I've managed to be as constant with my posts as I have been, and above all, I'm amazed at the personal journey I've been on and the growth that has occurred since the start.
When I began this blog, it was to appease a force in my life that was not only rather manipulative, but also never complimentary towards me after our first week of meeting. I tried over and over to 'start' but it wasn't until we'd parted ways that I realized I didn't have to satisfy anyone but myself.
Kaleidoscope has seen me through the loss of friendships and the birth of new ones, helped me feel more confident in myself both in SL and RL, and has allowed me a channel that has served as a sort of therapy for me. It has become a labour of love. A place for me to be unequivocally me.
At first, I was scared to write. I still wonder some days why anyone would want to read my drivel, but knowing that there are others who face similar issues to me has led me to believe in myself more, knowing I am not alone in the way my brain might work occasionally is a massive relief.
At the start, I never even thought about applying for blogger positions within SL. The idea that somebody might want little ol' me to promote their items when there are so many insanely talented photographers and bloggers about was akin to insanity... but let's face it, I'm slightly bonkers! After a few months I did begin to apply and while I have faced many, many rejections there have also been celebrations when brands I have always adored have taken me on. Some were temporary. Others were tiny stores at the start that have gone on to accomplish some wonderful things, and watching these brands and events grow as I have has been the most brilliant experience.
For anybody that is still trying to get their foot in the door in terms of blogging, the only advice I will give you is to do it for you. If you don't love it, you're not doing yourself or your future brand investors justice. I truly believe that every picture I take comes from my heart, and I will continue attempting to weave stories and improve my photography until... well, just until.
Happy Birthday, Kaleidoscope.
Thank you, yeah - you, for reading and peeking my pictures.

All of the things : 

Body : Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Skin : Insol: Seo applier, tone 'Tanned' 
Head : CATWA Catya
Eyes : Hayaru - Jung mesh eyes
Ears : L'Etre - Basic mesh ears 
Bandaid & Bloody Nose : Mug - Violet Bandaid
Hair & Hat : Beusy: "Delete" Hairstyle [Game Over Gacha] RARE
Choker : #SHOOK - Identity Choker {CRYBABY] The Level Event
Tattoo : DAPPA - Ryu Tattoo. @ Man Cave Event
Jacket : COMPLEX / C-WAY @ N21
Pants : .miss chelsea. Zara Leggings @ N21

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