Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Limited edition.

Pose & wreath prop : [ Focus Poses ] Christmas Access Gift  @ Access

I'm joined by Hayyz today, and I'm absolutely chuffed she could pop over and take a picture with me.
I've not always been the kindest person towards her, but I have always been honest... and luckily, we've come to a place where we can poke each other gently and get along rather nicely.
I'm going to drop her flickr >here< and her blog >here< and politely request you give this budding blogger and photographer a follow and show some support. I can't wait to watch her and see how she progresses.

In other news, I've been watching Youtube a LOT lately. I suppose I'm feeding my need for nonsense with that rather than SL drama... which I have mixed feelings about, and will probably be addressed some other time...
Anywho, the commentary guy was saying how he felt like anyone who could be constantly positive and wanted everyone to play happy and be nice was fake, and I wanted to talk about this.
I don't think it's 'fake' to focus on bringing people together and making things happy.
I do think it's fake when you're doing those things because you think it's the right thing to do to make people like you more, or to push you further into a community or scenario based solely on the 'good' you do for everyone else. Let's face it, doing nice things for people makes you feel good. If it didn't feel good there'd be even less of a chance of us actually attempting to please others. I think the important thing to remember in doing nice things, is that we are doing them just to be nice, without alternate motives and without expectations of reciprocation.
The commentary guy also mentioned how being spiteful and angry was a natural emotion, and I definitely agree.. but just because you are angry, or feeling spiteful or some other negative, that doesn't mean you have to follow through and hurt someone because you hurt.
If I'm on my soap box, I apologize. I'm definitely not good at any of this at the moment, but I'm hoping that by putting all my feels into words, and expressing myself I can not only understand everything a little more, but maybe encourage a discussion or thought in others, too. It'll also be a reminder to me to work on the way I deal with my own personal situations, I'm definitely not the woman I was last year, and I hope I continue to grow and learn to accept myself and others.

Hi! I'm wearing lipsticks from Go&See here, and yes... i'm trying desperately to provide you with a pretty image when I compare shades, but I'm still working out a good way to do this and so you're left with pictures that are on-a-wonk. Sorry. Practice makes perfect tho - and it doesn't take away from the pretty lip colours, so focus on that pls, dear readers! 

All of the things : 

Body : Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Head : GENUS Project (babyface)
Skin : Go&See * Candy * For Powder Pack
Blush : Avoixs - Winter Blushes @ B U S A N
Lipstick : Go&See * AmCold * Lipstick ~ Genus @ Girl Power
Eyes :   LOTUS. Nocturnal Eyes (previously at N21) 
Hairbase : Just Magnetized - Essential Hairbase - set 05 
Hair : !Oleander ~ Izzie.
Ears : Mug - Noel Ears
Coat : *katat0nik* Cropped Fur Coat @ Collabor88

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