Pose : [ evoLove ] - Cup of Tea No3
Taken at my home, which is still unfinished!
Today I've found myself in a little bit of a spiral, and I want to address a potentially sensitive subject, after I preface with this : I use this blog as a place to vent. Rather than spreading hate and negativity across social media and in an attempt to slow down chinese whispers which seem to be so rife across SL, I prefer to openly discuss my feelings through this space and hopefully come to a point where I reach an understanding with myself. This is never aimed specifically at one person. It's never meant to hurt, or "shade" anybody. If you feel personally attacked by anything I write, feel free to message me in world (LollipopLace) and if you can't because I've blocked you I wish you nothing but love and light but please leave me the eff alone, and find your way to understanding yourself and your relationships.
It's so easy to see something on flickr, on facebook, or on any other social media and be like "Hey, that's super amazing. I want that." and part of my "job" as a blogger is to try and evoke that kind of a reaction in people. Also, with SL being so fast to move with new trends, the level of events and the commitment we make as bloggers to showcase all these beautiful items that creators painstakingly make, it becomes difficult to know when something is inspired by, and when something is a direct copy.
More than a few times there have been other bloggers who use the same pose, or put an outfit from an event together the same way as me. I'm not upset over this... it's going to happen. I remember one time, about two years ago, a blogger left a really nasty comment on my flickr in regards to an outfit I'd put together. It hurt me so bad, because I wasn't even following this other person, so I literally had no idea we'd done things similarly and it took a little investigating to figure out they did in fact blog the same event. I deleted the comment, reached out in world and explained the situation and received silence as a response, which I guess is an response in of itself!
However, there have also been times that I have spent hours and hours making a scene, selecting the perfect pose, creating the lighting and editing a photograph I am incredibly proud of... only to have someone - sometimes someone I have helped in some way while creating my scene - use the same background I set up with very minor differences, without me even knowing and tbh, usually they do it better!
The constant influx of items and the demand to blog the most recent items, it can be really, really difficult to get inspiration. It's understandable that there will be occasions where pictures from multiple people will overlap. I try my hardest to reach out to people who have inspired me, to let them know and to make sure it's okay if I credit them on my silly little blog, firstly because I feel like it's the "right thing" to do, and secondly because it's so beautiful to receive a compliment, even if the compliment comes from a stranger - I want to be that stranger!
Still, it seems that while this is something I attempt to do, very few people will give credit where credit is due. It's beautiful that so many people will credit their items to the creators, to give love and appreciation to those who make virtual items... but what about those who make ideas? Who set a wheel in motion in your brain? Don't they deserve credit, too?
It's all love here, seriously. I'm often floored by the work that SL residents can create, and I will always stand by that ideal. There's no doubt that there have been moments where something has sparked an idea in my head and I have not credited them because we scroll so fast through our social media we don't even recognize where the idea came from.
Anywho, that's my rant/vent/nonsense for today.
All of the things :
Head : GENUS Project (babyface)
Ears : L'Etre - Crystal mesh ears
Tattoo : DAPPA - Pleasures Tattoo. @ Kinky Event (28th Dec)
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