Photo taken at my (potentially forever) unfinished home.
I've been reflecting a lot today, and I just wanna put it out there that I can be an asshole.
By asshole, I mean sometimes I just cannot keep my mouth shut.
For me to make sense of things, I need to vent.. and sometimes my choice of who I vent to can be somewhat uh.. fucked up.
See, I kind of have this habit of blurting, whether I've just met someone or I've known them for a while, I often scoop myself all the way up onto my high horse and preach to the hilltops about my personal opinions. While I'm much more confident in my opinions lately, that doesn't mean that everyone needs to know them, nor does it mean they care. I need to remember this.
I do have a habit of talking shit, too. Nothing that I can relate to 'gossip' as such, it's more like I'm really trying to work out WHY something happened, why I feel the way I do about a situation, what -I- could have done differently and why someone else reacted the way they did.
If I "talk shit" there's a 90% chance that I have already told the person I'm talking shit about how I feel, but again - that's not really anyone else's business. and it's certainly not my job to point out the flaws of others when I am so un-perfect myself.
I was considering the idea of new years resolutions today, and I think I've decided what mine is. I don't often make resolutions, because I feel like for the most part they are unrealistic, but for 2019, I want to do better at dealing with a situation and moving on. For my own sanity, I need to let things go, confide more in people that genuinely care and aren't just floaters in my life, and I definitely need to mind my own fucking business.
I really want to project positivity, and if I'm concentrated so firmly on other people and how negative they are (to ME), I will never achieve the serenity inside myself that I'm aiming for.
Happy Monday!
All of the things :
Body: [SIGNATURE] Gianni - Mesh Body
Skin : [theSkinnery] Luca (Catwa Applier) @ TMD
Body Skin : Clef de Peau.@ TMD
Head : CATWA HEAD Stanley
Hairbase : Stealthic Male Hairbase
Necklaces : [MANDALA]YOLO-Jewelry-set
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