Saturday, 10 February 2018

Play me for a while.

Pose : ARISE Be Mine Pose 2 @ Romp
Bed : -DRD- Evening Romance -  White Clouds 

I'm not the greatest when it comes to keeping up with people in world. I can be distant and very introverted, hiding away on my platform or my farm (maybe I'll explain that one day, but for now I'm just going to drop that there) and doing my own thing. I tend to stick to a very small circle of friends who have proven over time that they are reliable and personable and I think that's the case with a lot of SL users now.
However, I'm also of the belief that if you make a commitment to someone, or a cause, or event, you should 100% follow through with that commitment, or vocalize the fact that you no longer want to be a part of that, yet sometimes it seems that communication can be an issue for people, and that is what starts to become frustrating.
In terms of blogging, there have been a couple of instances where if I hadn't spoken up, I would have lost some amazingly creative "sponsors" (I kinda hate that term and I'm noting this down to speak about at another date too), and there's also been at least one notable moment where I have 'lost' sponsorship over a misunderstanding, and upon attempting to find out more information have come up against a brick wall.
I suppose it's important to learn when it's a good time to back away, to rethink, rebrand and reboot part of your life, be that SL or RL and though it is always nice to receive a reason as to why someone has 'let you go' or moved on, it's not a pre-requisite, and sometimes you will not get the response you hope for.
Other times, you'll get just enough to learn from and improve on, and it'll give you the boost you need to grow, so I guess it all evens out in the end. ♥

All of the things, Santi :

Body, Hands & Feet : [SIGNATURE] Gianni - Mesh Body 
Skin : Skin (& Beard) : [theSkinnery] Javier (Catwa Applier)
Body Skin : Clef de Peau.Body 
Eyes : -SU!- Ophelia Eyes Fatpack /ULTRARARE/(Gacha)
Head :  CATWA HEAD Stanley 
Hair : Dura - B77
Undies :  Mossu - Kevin.Underwear

All of the things, Pickle :

Body, Hands & Feet : Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Skin : Glam Affair - Deiene ( LeLutka Applier ) Collabor88 
Head : LeLutka Bento Head-CHLOE
Eyes : LOTUS. Blossom Eyes 01 @ Chapter Four
Ears : Random.Matter - Haruhi Ears
Hair : [RA] Andrea Hair (Purchased @ The Fetish Fair)
Tattoo : *Queen oF Ink - Marins B&W Tattoo @ Bodyfy 
Panties : Luder! Miyu Microkini

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