Saturday, 17 February 2018

In the moment.

Pose : FOXCITY. Bouquet (VIP Gift)
Bouquet : :: Scandalize:: GIFT ROSES 
Background & Furniture things : Trompe Loeil - Margaux Photo Backdrop + Surround @ FaMESHed
Chandelier : Refuge - Carnegie Lighting
Chairs : Refuge - Vintage Fur Chair
Balloons : Sese - Balloons sweet & Sese - Cute Heart (Gacha) @ The Chapter Four
Curtain & Lights: {moss&mink} Drop Curtain (NEW LANDMARK!)
Table : +Half-Deer+ Valentine Tea Table
Teaset : Fancy Decor: Proper Tea Set

This post has been a bit confusing to work out how to express. I knew I wanted to do something with Santi, but I wasn't sure how. I also didn't really want to do your typical Valentine's post ON Valentines day... and I'm going to explain both of these things.. so bear with.

Addressing the fact that I didn't want to do anything loveydovey on Valentines day is going to be difficult, which is probably why it's a couple of days after the event that this is finally coming together. 
I'm sure there are many people like me who although they may adore the 'idea' of Valentines day, the actual day itself has always lacked. I don't mean anything super negative has happened, it hasn't... but I've been alone for so long without a partner in either RL or SL on Valentines that it had become another day for those coupled up people to rub it in my face that they were celebrating with someone who they love, while I was on the couch with my ice cream, wondering if Cupid was ever going to visit me.
This year, I didn't want to be one of those lovey dovey couples just because I have a Santi. I even caused a massively dramatic scene the day before that exhausted me, purely because in my experience ANY "Holiday" has had a negative context when I have been in a relationship with anyone. The last really good Valentines day I can remember has been when I was 16, and back then, it mattered because of teenage angst and knowing someone liked me enough to give me a card and spent his last £1.50 on a banana milkshake from McDonalds for me was more than I could have wished for. (I don't even like banana milkshake, but to this day, I don't think the guy knows that!!)
I also don't buy into the whole "This one day makes up for the rest of the year where I don't tell you that I love you. and I'm only buying you a gift because I feel like I absolutely have to thanks to the hugely advertised day that today is and if I don't you might physically hurt me" or something maybe less sensational.
So I did what I always do, and over-talked Santi into an explanation of "Although I get the appeal of Valentines day, I don't want presents and I'm not just saying I don't want presents I really really don't want presents, but I do want to spend the day with you are you confused yet?" kinda thing, because I do not want ANYONE to feel like gifts they are getting are because some person a long time ago decided lovers needed to express their love on this specific one day a year. I want gifts I get, or gifts I give to be personal and given purely because I popped in their mind at -that- point. Not out of obligation.

Lawd. Take a breath, Pickle.

For the actual blog post, I wanted to make it somehow different, and luckily this dress from CandyDoll totally allows for that.
It loosely connects to Santi's blog "This Guy's Eye" that you can find >Here<.
As you can see from his post, he's wandering along to my house. I want you to imagine me peeking out of the window, seeing that view and snapping a quick photo to remember that moment. Then skip along to my top picture... Santi has handed me the bouquet, and snapped a quick picture of me, along with the special tea I've prepared for him.
Naturally, after some cake and a cup of tea, things have progressed, and you'll see below, they're becoming a little heated... what happens next isn't suitable for my blog. :P
As usual, more details below ♥

Pose : HERA Sensual Couples Pose #3
Santi's Blog

All of the things :

Body Hands : Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Skin : Moccino - Catwa Skin Applier - Maria (Shout out to Moccino for some amazing customer service, too!)
Head : CATWA Lona
Eyes : CATWA Mesh Eyes 
Eye Applier : LOTUS. Origin Eyes @ Pocket Gacha 
Birthmark : [okkbye] bold birthmarks
Ears : Random.Matter - Haruhi Ears
Earrings :  :: SAGA :: Valentine Heart Earrings (Free Group Gift, available for purchase without group)
Hair : [RA] Rachel Hair - Essential
Necklace & Choker : Kibitz - Love necklaces - gold
Dress : _CandyDoll_ Layla Dress (Note: Dress comes with two versions included, open & closed. Open shown on bottom photo & will give a view of your netherbits!) @ Collabor88
Rings : Kibitz - Love rings - gold
Boots : _CandyDoll_ Layla Boots @ Collabor88

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