Wednesday 25 October 2017


Poses : Left : FOXCITY. Stairs (Sitting)-4m

Right : FOXCITY. Milk Bath VOL2-4m

Background : anxiety %cellardoor

So, yesterday was the two year anniversary of me starting the Kaleidoscope blog.
Today, I decided that I'm going to try and use this as what it is. MY blog.
For a long time, I've avoided writing much here, purely because I have a tendency to blurt, rant, overthink and then hate everything I write and in reality, I can't imagine anyone actually wanting to read a bunch of Pickle nonsense. However - here we go. No doubt those who come for informative fashion advice will just scroll right past this and that's just peachy, you do you, Boo.
Today I wanted to introduce you properly to my alt, Paloma. She's been featuring fairly regularly here and I feel like she needs a name to her face!
I've never really had a problem with alts, unless they're shady. People I care about are aware of the fact I use alts (yes, multiples of) and why I chose to use them. For me, Paloma is my sanctuary, so opening up and sharing her with you is actually a big deal. (Also, how do you describe your alts? I mean, they're all me, so should I still refer to her as "Her" or "Me"? I'm going with "Her", because I'm "Me, Pickle" here. Now I'm even more confused, because I'm never not me...)
For a long time, I sat on my platform as Pickle, and didn't explore beyond the few 'regular' sims I'd very rarely visit. My SL had become more and more enclosed and it was difficult for me to branch out due to meeting the 'wrong' types of people and feeling trapped, bitter and jaded by the negative I'd experienced. 
Paloma has actually opened up a few doors for me. Thanks to the feeling of freedom I experienced on her, I've developed entirely new relationships with people I would never have found without that free feeling. I'm in a much happier SL place, and although I still have days where i'm "meh" about all the things, I also have more days where I'm more likely to be "Hey, it's almost like I fit here!" again. I'm involving myself in activities I never thought I'd try, and through those activities, i'm meeting even more new and wonderful people. I'm no longer wastefully spending my SL time standing like a statue  
I've even met a man that doesn't appear to be a complete dick (at the moment! I hope you read this, Jer!) and I'm so sickeningly contented, I sometimes annoy myself.

So what's the purpose of Paloma in terms of Kaleidoscope? Well, as I've been spending a little more time on her lately, I didn't want to forget about my passion for blogging. So I dress her up, and naturally want to show her off. Because of the freedom I feel being on her, she's become slightly more alternative than Pickle, and I feel like showing the products I love in a different way will only serve to benefit the readers/information seekers more. I hope you enjoy her, as much as I do!

Before I run off and squirrel about everything that has been rolling around in my head for - well, forever - , I want to thank you all for reading/checking out my blog up until now. I am genuinely, completely in awe of the support, likes, shares, positive words and constructive criticism that I have received. It is a piece of me. It is entirely mine. It is a place I have used continually to explore creativity, push my boundaries and explore who I am, and having others to share it with is beyond amazing. I will thoroughly encourage this to anyone who just wants to document the process of growing in ANY field. It's wonderful to look back and be able to see an improvement.

I never know how to stop writing once I start, but I guess you came here for goodies, so... here they are!

All of the Pickle things : 

Body, Hands & Feet : Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Skin : Essences - Rachel @ Shiny Shabby
Head : CATWA Catya
Eyes : CATWA Mesh Eyes 
Eyeshadow : Veechi - Toasted Liner  Uber
Blush : Veechi - Harvest Chill Blush  Uber
Hair : *Besom~ Kenadee *Browns* @ N21
Jacket : Stealthic x Toksik - 2. TKS Outfit (RARE) Epiphany
Bodysuit :_CandyDoll_ Mala Bodysuit Denim Epiphany
Shorts : _CandyDoll_ Mala Pants Black Epiphany
Boots : _CandyDoll_ Mala Boots High (RARE) Epiphany

All of the Paloma things :

 Body & Feet : -Belleza- Freya 
Skin : (Enfer Sombre*) Catwa Skin applier - Porcelain -  Izumi (1) (Gacha)  @ The Secret Hideout 
Head : CATWA Lona 
Eyes : CATWA Mesh Eyes
Elf Ears : BentBox Sylvan Ears 
Eyeliner : . MILA . Princess of Darkness Makeup
Lipstick : In the Catwa hud!
Blush : :: MOMOCHUU :: Nanako blusher
Hairbase : .Tableau Vivant \\ Catwa HB2
Hair : Tableau Vivant \\ Braidy (curly) Epiphany  
Horns : .Olive. the Spooky Horns Epiphany  
Skull hands & Bow accessories : Astralia - Witches hair decor (9L Kustom9 GIFT)
Glasses : .random.Matter. - Rose Glasses @ N21
Feathers : .Aisling. Velasco
Bra : _CandyDoll_ Mala Star Bra Epiphany
Bodysuit : _CandyDoll_ Mala Bodysuit Fall Epiphany
Hands :  Slink Dynamic
Nails : Astralia - Compatible mesh nails system
Nail Polish : Hello Dave - Nail Appliers - Astralia - The Bold One (Free Gift @ Astralia)
Shorts :  _CandyDoll_ Mala Pants Black Epiphany
Leg Tattoo : [ATI] Koi Love II...
Shoes : #EMPIRE - Bee Balm 

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