Saturday 24 February 2018

Always on your side.

Pose : FOXCITY. Beach Bunny-6
Props & Things : {moss&mink} Tropical Bliss (Gacha) @ The Gacha Garden
:Fanatik Architecture: Rocks & Cliffs DOVER 

Let me preface by shouting from the rooftops about how much I love Moss&Mink. This has been a love-affair since her very first release that I saw at the Fantasy Gacha Carnival almost two years ago. It was a delicious pair of fawn legs, along with a matching gacha of cute little accessories. When I bumped into the creator I literally squealed at her, exclaiming how amazing I thought her items were, and I left having added her to my friends list, but internally facepalming because I'm often super awkward, and wasn't entirely sure if she just thought I was some crazy lady. Turns out, she DOES think I'm a crazy lady, and I'm okay with that, because technically she's not wrong. However, she's not just an awesome creator, she's a fabulous friend, too. She's constantly improving on the items she's creating, seriously, all you have to do is take a look at her items and note the effort she puts in to incorporate as many tastes as she can, while staying true to her cute little brand. It has been absolutely delightful to grow with her (maybe not to the same extent as she's growing, this woman is seriously talented, and I'm almost 100% certain she's going to virtually bitch slap me for this post, but I don't care). 
The items at Moss&Mink always push me a little, in a GOOD way. Part of the reason I enjoy blogging so much is because of creators like this, who make me think a little differently and push me out of my comfort zone sometimes. The creations always have the cutest little details and I'm never certain how it's best to incorporate all of the things and showcase them. so today I'm writing an essay of epic proportions to combat that I suppose! I've included a photo of just the set-up I  made without my av being a photo-whore and stealing any of the spotlight (although this Evani set IS to die for, and the jeans, which are fast becoming my favourite brand of jeans, are amazingly fitted and both the sweater and the pants are beautifully textured.) and hopefully you'll be able to see the sparkles, the bubbles, the textures involved and lovingly caressed across the low-prim (and low price) mesh, the sparkles on the trellis actually sparkle (in the right windlight) and the sparkles on the wooden floor by the hot-tub actually sparkle too. There's also some cute bubbles in the jacuzzi-hot-tub thingie, and over-all I just want to squee over the cuteness and drape my avatar across all the things in an attempt at being just as adorable as these cute THINGS!

See? {moss&mink} adorables!

Also shown : [NC] - Tropical Palm Trees
hive // trawler boat wrecked

All of the things! :

Body, Hands & Feet : Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Body Skin : [theSkinnery] Maitreya Skin Applier - peach
Head : CATWA Lona
Eyes : CATWA Mesh Eyes 
Eye Applier : LOTUS. Origin Eyes @ Pocket Gacha 
Hair : TRUTH / Carla V2 Truth VIP Gift
Outfit : EVANI - ANITA sweater & EVANI - ANITA jeans @ Kustom9
Nails : Astralia - Compatible mesh nails system
Nail Polish : Hello Dave - Nail Appliers - Astralia - The French One
Rings : Amala - The Madison Rings @ Kustom9

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