I guess this isn't a particularly spooky post, but I did want to make it slightly creepy.. I don't think there's nearly enough blood and gore, but hey, I'm cute af!
On another note, I did manage to slay the lazy, and I updated a bunch of LMs yesterday on the Locations page of this blog. If you're looking for pretty places to take photographs, or just to explore, there are some lovely sims included (And no doubt a bunch more I've yet to find!).
If I can continue along the lines of not being a lazy Pickle, you might even find some pictures included at some point, too... although many of the spots are seasonal or subject to change.
I hope you stay safe this Halloween, and don't eat TOO much candy (is there such a thing??)
Today I was reminded about a thing that happened back when I started SL over 10 years ago.
Back in the day, you were warned consistently about the dangers of the internet. "You might be talking to an axe murderer, a pedophile, a rapist." it was scary to me to log in and speak to people who might be absolutely terrible. I was also in the middle of a big ol' break up, 500 miles away from home with a small child and no way to get back. I didn't like myself very much and because of that, when I joined SL, I gave out pictures of a person that was not me.
Over time, it became harder and harder to tell fibs to people I cared about. because you really don't expect to start feeling real feels for people on a game when you first start using it, do you? You don't understand that these people you meet aren't imaginary, they're real... with real lives that they might share with you, while you're sat there telling a porkie pie to them. You get to know them, and all the while you have this big black cloud hanging over you, "What if they work out I'm not me?".
I'm incredibly lucky. Of course, when I came clean there were a few people who dragged me, and rightly so - however, they didn't actually know me, and I had always felt a little off around them.
The people I DID care about (and some that I had no idea even knew who I was), were incredibly supportive, and now I realize that my outer shell is what it is, and I can't change that - but my inner shell... that's the important part, and if I can find people who love me for my insides, those are the friendships and relationships I need to nurture.
To anyone going through something similar, keep your head up and be proud of who you really are. You are not your body. You are a combination of every experience, every feeling you have and every feeling you have allowed others to feel.. you're a beautiful, interesting, original and unique soul. No one is you (even if they claim to be by using your pictures!), and try to remember that everyone is going through something, and while being a catfish isn't right, there are often underlying issues that need addressing and as with most situations, it should be bought up and talked about with mindfulness & kindness.
Here's a slightly better picture of the Birth skin still available at TMD for a little while. Hurry up, before this round closes!
I have found a few brilliantly decorated sims lately, and the LMs are sitting in my inventory, and I've not updated the Locations page of this blog in forever!
Rest assured, when my butt is no longer lazy I will hop straight to it.
In the meantime, you're going to have to search through my blogs to find the current places I've investigated!
Check out this place tho, for reals. Lost Lagoon is gorgeous, and there's more animals around too. I almost fell in love with the Hippo's and watch out for the Vultures!
I was talking with Jake today about SL people (not specific people, just people in general) and how we view avatars.
To me, it's always been a case of being attracted to an avatar and then maybe connecting with the person behind it. I know, I know... Pickle, you're shallow af! To a degree, that's right. In terms of avatars I can be super shallow, and probably won't initiate contact with someone I don't enjoy the appearance of. However, that doesn't mean I'll poopoo a conversation with someone who doesn't appeal to me, in terms of their avatar.. in fact, many people I connect with on an intellectual level don't have the same style as me and a lot of the time, don't even enjoy shopping - an idea that is completely foreign to me!
I'm going to use the conversation we were having (with permission!) to enlighten you on my theory.
ᴊᴀᴋᴇ : I'm following in the trendy footsteps of the pickle
ᴊᴀᴋᴇ : who has declared that avis are whatever you say they are....that day
Pɪᴄᴋʟᴇ : Yes
Pɪᴄᴋʟᴇ : I don't think your avatar is a reflection of you in the way it looks
Pɪᴄᴋʟᴇ : but in the way it behaves.
Pɪᴄᴋʟᴇ nods
ᴊᴀᴋᴇ : my avi is pretty much just a handy conduit I use to gain an experience
Pɪᴄᴋʟᴇ : Yeah, kind of like a pen writes on paper, you use your av to connect.
Pɪᴄᴋʟᴇ : you can have a £2 pen
Pɪᴄᴋʟᴇ : or a £200 pen
Pɪᴄᴋʟᴇ : it does the same thing
We don't all play SL the same way and it's important to remember that.
I find it such a shame when a new SL'er is cast out because of how they look, and even worse when an older resident is ignored because they don't fit the bill of a certain clique's appearance needs.
There are hidden gems everywhere - and sometimes, that free pen from the bank is gonna write far smoother than the fancy expensive pen.
I logged into facebook this morning and was promptly reminded that today my blog is officially three! I'm absolutely astounded I've managed to be as constant with my posts as I have been, and above all, I'm amazed at the personal journey I've been on and the growth that has occurred since the start.
When I began this blog, it was to appease a force in my life that was not only rather manipulative, but also never complimentary towards me after our first week of meeting. I tried over and over to 'start' but it wasn't until we'd parted ways that I realized I didn't have to satisfy anyone but myself.
Kaleidoscope has seen me through the loss of friendships and the birth of new ones, helped me feel more confident in myself both in SL and RL, and has allowed me a channel that has served as a sort of therapy for me. It has become a labour of love. A place for me to be unequivocally me.
At first, I was scared to write. I still wonder some days why anyone would want to read my drivel, but knowing that there are others who face similar issues to me has led me to believe in myself more, knowing I am not alone in the way my brain might work occasionally is a massive relief.
At the start, I never even thought about applying for blogger positions within SL. The idea that somebody might want little ol' me to promote their items when there are so many insanely talented photographers and bloggers about was akin to insanity... but let's face it, I'm slightly bonkers! After a few months I did begin to apply and while I have faced many, many rejections there have also been celebrations when brands I have always adored have taken me on. Some were temporary. Others were tiny stores at the start that have gone on to accomplish some wonderful things, and watching these brands and events grow as I have has been the most brilliant experience.
For anybody that is still trying to get their foot in the door in terms of blogging, the only advice I will give you is to do it for you. If you don't love it, you're not doing yourself or your future brand investors justice. I truly believe that every picture I take comes from my heart, and I will continue attempting to weave stories and improve my photography until... well, just until.
Happy Birthday, Kaleidoscope.
Thank you, yeah - you, for reading and peeking my pictures.
It took me a little while to actually get this shot, and that's okay, because I ran around SL like a complete lunatic trying to figure out what it was I wanted.. then I found this futuristic police-type car thing and my butt sat there and I was content.
I have been doing a bit of running around SL lately, and it's actually been surprisingly pleasant.
Rather than sitting on my platform, or standing statuesque at a filthy sim where no one actually talks to anyone else but peacocks their avatars around as though they're King of the world, I've been exploring. October is the perfect time to do this, because people get all creative thanks to the onset of Halloween. (In a detour from your currently scheduled programming, the word "Onsent" apparently means "The beginning of something, especially something unpleasant", so I left it there because Halloween is fun, but ultimately kinda spooky and therefore almost unpleasant. Pls just love me today. My head is up my backside.)
ANYWHO. Ultimately what I'm trying to say is, get your butt off your platforms, step away from the sex sims and away from your platforms, and do some exploring!
Maybe one day I'll update that Locations page to include all these fantastic places i'm finding, but I AM incredibly lazy, so we'll have to see. :P
When I saw this artwork by UnKindness I inwardly squealed.
Overthinking? Why yes. Yes I do!
I can literally overthink ANY subject. Seriously. Give me a subject!
While I don't necessarily enjoy the overthinking thing, I do definitely see some benefits. Apart from people regularly saying "You're thinking about this too much." I honestly believe that the way my thought process works is actually kind of beneficial to me.
Because of my amazing brain, I am now capable of talking myself IN to a situation I would have before avoided and vice versa.
Overthinking has granted me open-mindedness, I can see situations from many angles, and decide upon a path correct for me while considering all sides.
The struggle I have is the stubbornness that occurs once I think I've thought about everything from all angles. See, when I've made my decision, and it's actually a decision and not just an "Okay im gonna do this for now", it is incredibly difficult for me to sway away from that, and I'll do everything within my power to stay doing what I said I was going to do.
I'm currently overthinking this entire Pickle-rant, because it very nearly took an entirely different spin and ended up thirty paragraphs long with a detailed conclusion - so before that happens, I hope you enjoy today's Man-Pickle Monday, and allow your brain to take a breather. If you learn how, let me know... I'm almost certain mine is exhausted!
I'm loving this picture. To me, it looks like Pickle has had a pretty long day and is now sulking on the Moss&Mink chair because the magical Nope Cats by HEXtraordinary haven't made her a nice cuppa for when she comes home.
I absolutely adore these corset chairs. The detailing is so pretty, and the fabric really does make you want to reach out and brush your hand over it. Available with the corset chairs and table shown, are some pretty hanging lights - unfortunately, there was nowhere for me to actually hang them, so I'll save those for another day... just be sure to check them out while you're shopping at the first round of FameshedX!
I'd also like to make you aware of the pretty eyeshadow by Veechi which is available now at n21! Go grab it! The blending really is beautiful and I only hope I've done it justice in the close up below. It almost sparkles!