Check out the quick lil' video I did on the Grande Carousel!
Once again, Potato's net is being mean. I'm almost 100% certain he's wearing hair from Doux, Tattoo from Dappa, Outfit from Legal Insanity and maybeee his shoes are from Deadwool.
Hai, I totally forgot what I was doing today and didn't save credits for the pose or the background - but the background can be found at the members only area of Backdrop City under 'retro'! Sorry.
The tiger is from a Poseidon pose set, as part of a rare.
I seem to have rediscovered my love of the Black Dragon viewer today. I initially loaded it up remembering how smooth it was to cam around and thought maybe it would be a better option for vlogging, but when I adjusted my settings, I remembered how much I adored the crispness for photography, too.
I initially stopped using the viewer because it had become laggy and was cumbersome for me to move around on it, when I took a large picture, it would crash, and i'd have to relog and attempt to rez everything all over again, which had also become difficult. I suppose there's been a few updates since then, as it must have been 6 months or more ago that I stopped, but now everything runs far better, and nothing has changed on my end, except maybe driver updates!
Anywho, here's hoping that the curve of learning continues and my photography only excels!
The idea for this picture came from a photo that Clara posted on Facebook. You can find the original version >Here<. I often collect Clara's posts, because they're either visually inspiring or uh, lyrically inspiring? I'm not wordy enough today!
I'm still exhausted, although I feel a billion times better than yesterday, so my hopes are high! I thought I might be coming down with a virus, but maybe I just skirted that, fingers crossed, eh?
I spoke to my RL Mum today. She's a stickler for doing things her way, and as I've been slowly inching my way towards health and happiness, she's not always had the most supportive things to say. "Well hurry up and get it done" has pretty much been the narrative.
We've never had the best relationship, we're a lot alike in personality and we'd clash regularly throughout my teens and.. well, until now, really.
I started to talk to her differently. When I call or visit, I make sure I actually engage with her. I ask her how she is and I listen. I might not have a complete handle on my emotions yet and naturally there's still times where I snap, or she snaps, and we sit in silence for a moment.
Most recently she asked if I liked a pair of shoes she'd purchased for my daughter. I probably should have thought through my answer to be a little more mindful of the effort she went to, but my reply was something along the lines of "Not really, they look like special shoes." She huffed, a lot. For a 70 year old lady she can tantrum like a 6 year old... and rather than just letting it go, I snapped "If you don't want my opinion, don't ask."
I reckon I'm gonna feel bad about that interaction for a while, but I also think that maybe that was important, because I've tended to cower in her presence, and finally, at the grand ol' age of 38, I think I stood up to my Mum.
During my musings about my mental health, I've often wondered how hard it must have been for her growing up, so long ago. It's hardly surprising she has issues due to what she's faced in her past, and having an understanding of that will hopefully allow us to connect on a completely different level.
Anywho. Enjoy the contents of today's blawwwg. Be good to yourself, and each other!
Revoul tones for the Arabella Genus Applier skin. I'm wearing RE20, which is top right!
In this set of pictures I'm wearing the DOUX - Brianna Hairstyle and my eyes are Lotus Royalty Mesh Eyes.
I've had a preeetty busy day today, and although I'm achy and sore, I'm incredibly grateful to just be here to share silly little SecondLife things with you.
I've been working on a vlog, at this moment in time, my editing program is behaving like a complete butthole and I'm struggling immensely!
I'm thoroughly enjoying the whole vlog thing, as it's definitely pushing my levels of personal comfort and feeling a bit like a derp when I talk... and although my editing is basic at best, I'm enjoying learning more each time I try.
- Update... for whatever reason, my video editing program was completely ridiculous. After 6 hours attempting to be patient with the lag it was experiencing yesterday, and going to bed annoyed (i like to keep to my self-made deadlines) I decided to attempt a brand new program. Currently, it's worked out pretty well as I've completed the vlog! \o/ Please excuse the animal noises in the background, I shoulda moved from the ground to a platform - and my ground is LITERALLY a farm!
The Revoul skin shown today is available in 5 tones, my favourite (shown in the main pictures and vlog) is the RE25 tone! ♥
This picture got me thinking about making daisy chains as a child. I'm kinda old (shh.) so it wasn't unusual to find me in my back garden, sitting cross legged threading daisies from the grass through one another to make long flowery jewelry to adorn my head, neck and wrist, and occasionally my ankle.
That lead me to wonder how to correlate daisies to people... and as I was doing my washing up (ew!) it hit me. When I made the chains in my back garden, some of the daisies would droop while others would thrive. After a few days, I'd replace the droopy, limp flowers with fresh new ones, slotting them in to my creation without even thinking about it. Some times, I would make holes in the stems of the flower using my thumb nail and others, the daisy would be tied tight with a knot.
That is how they relate to people. Our relationships are bound by the slightest thread... the stem of our daisy. Some relationships get tied tightly with the strength of a knot, and other times, we open ourselves up to fit the needs of another. At times, our relationships wilt and we replace old friends with newer, fresher friends that fit our growth pattern.
I guess the only thing that is important in this is reminding ourselves what we want our garden to look like. Which flowers we want to pair with ours that bring the fragrance out as a beautiful medley and enhance our beauty by bringing their own special needs in to our soil. It's also important to weed regularly, because heaven knows how easy it is for someone to suck the nutrients from your roots...
Happy Tuesday, Spoonies.
The revoul skin show comes in 5 tones. My favourite being RE20, shown in my main pictures.
I had a conversation with someone recently that made me think again about who I want to be and where I want to go, and although I feel like without a doubt there have been some positive changes, I do feel like I need to address something that has niggled me for the longest time.
Life isn't fair.
I get that certain people are capable of "playing the game", and therefore they'll be the ones who seemingly succeed, which kinda makes their lives enviable to some... but I can't ever be that person again, if I ever was. The only way I have ever been able to achieve anything is to work my ass off, and as my friend mentioned to me in our conversation, I've worn many hats, especially within SL and whenever I felt like I was heading in a direction that didn't suit me, I think I may have intentionally shot myself in the butt to prevent it from happening. Still, in terms of blogging and photography, no matter how hard I try, how much I think I have improved, my not playing the game hurts me in terms of exposure.
Now, this may seem like I'm sitting here whining that I'm incredibly unpopular, but I'm not. I'm just using this platform as an example of what is changing for me, and how I'm viewing things... and in terms of blogging and many, many other things in my life that I'm not 'there' yet with, I fucking LOVE doing it. Because I love doing this, I will continue to do this. I will not circle jerk and I will stay the eff away from drama surrounding any activity I enjoy. I'm more than happy to work at my own pace now and although that jealousy monster might occasionally rear it's ugly head, it's power is fading daily, and I feel as though each "Congratulations" I pass on to someone else is more genuine than the last.
If others decide to play games, I'll no doubt see it, but it's not my life... it's theirs, and they have every right to live the way they see fit.
If you love what I do, that's a bonus... but I want to hold my head high and walk with integrity.
So, yeah, life isn't fair, but it does give us a chance to show our worth and I'm finally figuring out what mine is. I'm priceless. And so are you.