Props : *HEXtraordinary* Enchanted Doves @ Fantasy Faire (Note, 100% donation to RFL for this item, faire ends on the 5th May, so hurry!) Aethis Sign V1.2 (personalized texture)
Today marks my 999th post, and with that, I'm going to wander off until May 21st for a relax. However, at the same time I'm going to be working on bringing you a different kind of blog. Somewhere that will provide information, pictures and personal opinions in what I hope is an adult and respectful way.
I have big plans, and I'm so excited to share them with you.
Until then, my sweet Spoonies, take care of yourselves, be kind, and remember it's never too late to make a change.
Before I go to sleep, I like to Youtube. I have a pretty select number of channels that I actually enjoy, from your generic make-up artists to more newsy type things, and sometimes even a good ol' conspiracy.
I was watching Philip DeFranco last night, he's a news type dude, but will give you the facts then if necessary he'll give you his opinion. I like this a lot. He seems fair, he doesn't appear to have an agenda, and I've been finding out some really cool shit about the world that I'd never have known before, because the mainstream news just makes me want to punch kittens through boredom.
Last night he mentioned how Instagram was going to start making likes on their posts less visible in order to raise the quality of content people were posting, and my dead little heart SOARED. THIS. This whole principle is exactly why I am planning a break, to distance myself from the "Likes = quality content" crap surrounding blogging and photography. I want to bring content to readers/viewers of my blog that adds something to their lives, whether that surrounds RL mental health issues and my perspectives, or something in SL that bugs me. I want to be slightly more informational, maybe more pictures indicating the quality of the product i'm blogging, maybe a feature on a sim, maybe more close ups and definitely more informational vlogs, which will hopefully increase in quality the more I practice!
My opinions will be broadcast even more. So if you don't like this part of my blogging, you can totally skip over it (probably like you already do, right?) and if you do, well you're gonna be in for a treat!
The other advantage of me stepping away from the Likes debacle, will hopefully mean that I don't value the opinions of strangers on my work, and this external validation that I feel necessary will deplete. I know I'm decent at what I do, and if that makes me a big headed, entitled cowbag, I'll take that title. I know I 'deserve' things that other people are getting, but I also know that as much as I deserve what other people are getting, so do many many bloggers and photographers that are far better than I am, so why not just take that whole 'competition' aspect I feel from blogging away, and turn it back into what it should be, what it has been in the past, and what I love... a place I can show my style, give information and overall have some bloody fun.
Just today by taking away the "Omg I gotta" aspect from my photo, I feel like I encapsulated a side of the Pickle avatar that had been long forgotten, and it came easily.
So today I think I blew up the world a little bit...
I don't mean that in a bad way, but the more I blow up, the more I realize that this is what needs to be done to rebuild.
I need to be a little vague right now, until I've actually decided 100% how to approach my plans, but there's going to be a few changes to my blog, how I blog and probably the over-all look of my blog. I've spent a long time (almost 4 years) feeling like I don't belong, so rather than attempting to fit in to a community that hasn't really offered me any support other than the early access to events and the occasional promo of stores looking for bloggers, it's time for me to really, really blog for me - to practice what I preach.
I'm nearing my 1000th post. I think that'd be a great new start... there might be a short break in between there, but as I attempt to make a difference to my RL, it's time I address my SL too, especially if I want to use the platform in a far more healthy way.
I was wondering today, at what point does a conversation go from being a conversation between two adults, to somehow delving into drama?
Nothing has happened to me, so no need to be concerned or to start ruminating on who Pickle's gotten into a conflict with... calm yer loins dear Spoonies!
But literally 80% of the 'drama' I have had in Second Life has been me saying "Hey, I don't like that. It made me feel this way." and another party going "Well don't you get your drama panties in a twist drama llama, if you don't like this dramatic thing, it's all your dramatic fault."
Now this can be people I've known for years and years (but mostly not, because by that point we've gotten a rapport about accepting the other has feelings, apologizing for whatever we've said or at least discussing it so we understand where the other is coming from), or it is, more likely, someone I have known for days.
Is it really a case of "You're too sensitive, Pickle!" or is it more of a case of any time someones REAL feelings get bought into SL and it's not related to the happy endorphin filled feeling of love or lust, or want or need, it's suddenly backpedal backpedal pushaway?
I realize to some this might sound like I'm one of those people who get offended all the damn time, but I've reached a point in my life where I can accept that different people have thought processes that don't match mine. If you can provide a logical reason as to why you believe something that I find morally wrong, I'll probably come around to the fact that you have a point, but I'll still believe what I want to believe with a greater understanding of the other side. I have friends of all walks of life with very, very different beliefs, Muslims, Christians, Catholics, Trump supporters, Transgender, Gay, Straight, Male, Female, Black, White and Brown. I legitimately have no issues with -people- I have issues with their interpretations of dramatic. But ultimately, I'm responsible for my own feelings... and that too is something I need to remember.
If you're wrong, take accountability and just fess up. Hell, even if you're not wrong, if you've upset someone APOLOGIZE, meaningfully and allow the beautiful parts of that potential friendship to blossom, or walk away with a lighter heart and less of a headache.
I thought I'd show you a back view of the pretty hair from Fabia available at the Gacha Garden.
The bow has it's very own hud and you can choose between some solid colours and a few beautiful patterns. Loving this hairstyle so hard!
The Candy Skin from Revoul is available in six tones. RE05, RE10, RE15, RE20, RE25 and RE30. I've chosen to wear RE10 in my main picture today!
It also has six candy coloured lipsticks and a shape, not blogged, so make sure you run over and go demo all the pretties!
Okay Spoonies, so I know I had a total melt down a couple of days ago and basically spewed a bit of hate about how so unfair it is that recognition in blogging does not always equate to talent, but some delusional idea of 'fame', HOWEVER, I may have had an epiphany... and this is why I love blogging, because I get to share it with you.
I've spoken before about how my daughter lives with my parents, you may have to dig a little deeply to find that, but the full post is within this here blog, and I attribute that fact to me now being able to move on in a much healthier direction.
Today my daughter called me absolutely distraught. We've had issues getting her to go to school on a regular basis, and today was one of those days. As punishment for her refusal to go, Grandad took away the internet, and she was sad about it because, like most 16 year olds, she likes to spend her days playing games with her online friends.
As I was trying to calm her and explain that when you're good, good things happen, and when you're bad you're punished, I suddenly realized this wasn't entirely true. So there I am, stumbling over my words and trying to explain that to my daughter, when it only just sunk in for me.
Don't misunderstand, I KNEW life wasn't fair. It just didn't sink in that one day I might have to explain that to someone else, nor that I'd make a bit of a twat of myself by expressing the very same sentiment in that one post we're never going to speak of again!
Bag : NS:: Belty Trip Backpack @ A+ Event - Note! This backpack comes with straps and is designed to be worn on your back! I photoshopped the arms out. It also comes with a couple of super cute poses, so check it out!
So I had a rant yesterday, but you'll be pleased to know I'm feeling much better today... less bitter and whole lot refreshed and ready to provide some beautiful products from some wonderful creators.
I know I've used this pose before, but it really was perfect. As I was getting ready for this picture, my friend Apple told me "You look like a confused college student, that's there to study rather than party" so, I ran with that for a minute and grabbed some props, until Apple was ready to continue the story to it's thrilling climax.. " But you also want to save the hedgehogs, and the rally is on the same day as your final exam, and you need to pass it or you'll flunk the year, and have to redo it again, but that's just what your nemesis wants, the cool girl from the top table, she's even gone as far as getting someone to let the tires down on your car, so you have to run, hence the sneakers"
I have no idea what pose I used because, like a derp, I forgot to note it. Sorry! ♥
Mini rant for today.
Seems like there's a whole lotta fuss about blogging on facebook, AGAIN.
I've said over and over again that I freaking LOVE what I do, regardless of me standing my avatar in front of a background, or creating a full scene around me, I work at what I do. I -try- to blog at least five times a week, and usually that turns into seven, but there are occasions when I might go a couple of days without, purely because my brain can no longer function, or because the thing I tried to do didn't work out that day, and rather than posting an unsatisfactory (yet probably perfectly usable) photograph, I retake the next day instead.
The thing that really pisses me off, is that despite the amount of effort I put in, there is very little recognition. Am I unapproachable? Maybe. I can be a bit of a smart ass - usually in jest. However, when there are people getting commended as "Top Bloggers of SL" and I know for a fact they have HALF the views I have (which isn't that many, there are far better people than I to follow, don't get me wrong), I'm left sitting here scratching my head and wondering who's ass I have to kiss to be noticed.
And then those SAME PEOPLE, preach about being kind to everyone, when I've spoken face to face with them, knowing they have two faces, and both of them are mean as shit!
If you're gonna be a dick, you HAVE to own it, but maybe that's the edge?
=takes a deep breath=
Nine times out of ten, being a blogger or a photographer has nothing to do with talent, professionalism, or creativity, but everything to do with who you know. I don't know how I ended up here - and again, I AM LUCKY. I have beautiful sponsors who create beautiful products, and for some reason they allow me, little Pickle, to work with their items... I just wish there were more creators who looked at the bigger picture, and not the amount of stars next to a picture on flickr - that's not talent or exposure, that's ass kissing.
On a much lighter note, have a gander at the four beautiful tones that the Revoul "Nicki" Lelutka applier comes in. I absolutely adore the fullness of these lips!! From left to right : RE05, RE10, RE15, RE20.
Today has been slightly insane. Not only has it legitimately taken 2 days for me to set up a bunch of eggs behind my avatar, but it's also been one of those real life 'family' moments I'd really rather forget.
I've never understood the point in silencing someone when they have something to say, unless it's derogatory to another party. I don't understand how senior citizens can believe it's okay, either.
I feel like this picture is a whole entire hashtag for my life. I'm literally exhausted from the moment I wake up, to the moment I go to sleep - and I barely do anything. I can't actually remember what it's like to get off my chair without groaning and today I left a mini tin of vaseline heating up to soften under my boob (shuttup don't act like you don't do that if you have bigger tiddies) for three whole hours because I legit forgot it was there.
Ok, so this vid is a little weird and I think in an attempt to be edgy they might have cut corners.. but I actually kinda like the song, and the vid was just kinda.. unironically ironic and almost cool. *blinks*.
I got all freaked out today when I read in my "Yes Man" book (yes, re-reading it, it's good, don't judge me), that someone had their interest PEAKED. Now, I always thought it was PIQUED. So now we're going on a google journey to find out the difference.
Piqued : verb
past tense: piqued; past participle: piqued
arouse (interest or curiosity).
"with his scientific curiosity piqued, he was looking forward to being able to analyse his find"
irritate, annoy, bother, vex, provoke, displease, upset, offend, affront, anger, exasperate, infuriate, gall, irk, get someone's back up, disgruntle, nettle, needle, ruffle, get on someone's nerves, ruffle someone's feathers,
Peaked : adjective
having a peak.
"a peaked cap"
Well okay then, Penguin Books (I think?), why are you allowing an incorrect term in your most awesome Yes Man story? I'm going to write a stern note to the editor! (Not really, far too lazy for that.)
Anyway. now that my curiosity has been sated, let's only use peaked in relation to things with a peak, yah? Thanks so much.